Sunday, 22 May 2011

Social Evening - Sat 2nd July

Churches together in Bare Line Dance Social evening at Christ Church URC, Broadway on Sat 2nd July at 7.30p.m. Tickets are £4.00 to include supper.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Martin Goldsmith visit

Martin Goldsmith, the missionary and author, will be at Morecambe Parish Church on Sunday June 19 (Trinity Sunday). All are warmly invited to a talk he will be giving at 2pm on Christianity and Islam. This will be in the Church. Prior to that, Martin will be preaching at our 10am Parish Eucharist on why we still need missionaries, and also sharing in a parish picnic in the Rectory garden (weather permitting). All are welcome to as much of our special day as you are able to share in.