Wednesday, 15 August 2012

News from the July Gathering of the Morecambe Churches Forum

Much good news from our churches was shared at our last meeting, and we focussed on two particular areas:

 Ministry in Nursing / Residential Homes for the elderly. Every church will of course look after its own elderly members who are in homes in its own way, including sacramental ministry where appropriate. What we’re looking at is whether we could work together to extend the offer of listening & befriending on one hand, and simple, lay led services on the other. We have begun to map out what is currently being offered to which homes by individual churches. Bernard Vause has offered to try to coordinate this information, and I will now pass on to him all the info that has so far been sent to me. If your church is currently doing anything (other than visiting its own members), please let Bernard know as soon as possible. (Email

Coordinating our foodbanks and associated ministries. There are a number of churches and groups we’re aware of who are offering some sort of foodbank service, and ministry to those who are homeless or in severe financial need. We felt it would be good to gather together those involved in this ministry, or wanting to be involved, to explore whether we could help one another and share resources and expertise. We have therefore fixed a time for a first exploratory conversation – Tuesday 11th September, 3pm, at West End Impact. Please send me the email address of anyone you know who wasn’t at last night’s meeting but is involved in ministry to the homeless / marginalised, and I will invite them to come and join us.

 We also shared positive stories about Back to Church Sunday – this year the date is 30th September. Lots of our churches are taking part – if yours isn’t and you want to know more, have a look at

 If the next Forum meeting isn’t in your diary, get it in now! Thursday 4th October, 7 for 7:30, venue tbc

Quiz Night in aid of CTL's Christian Aid Partnership Project

Put you brain to the test! The Churches in Bare are holding A QUIZ NIGHT at BARE METHODIST CHURCH HALL SATURDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER AT 7PM Proceeds will go to Churches Together in Lancashire's Christian Aid Partnership project - for more info see Quiz sheets £1 Refreshments £1 and an opportunity to make further donations Tickets available on the door, or from Heather Bennett on 07981 550542